How To Become A Better Presenter
When it comes to network marketing, there is no other skill as necessary as public speaking. Public speaking and presentation are the most critical soft skills to become a successful network marketer. More often than not, most of us lack these essential soft skills. The mere thought of presenting or speaking before an audience instills nervousness and fear in people. When a person fears the idea of speaking in front of an audience, how can we expect him to draw and capture audiences’ attention? But don’t worry! Like any other skill in life, public speaking and presenting can also be learned. You just need to practice, take the right approach, and learn from the right people.
During my time, I have come across loads of tricks, methods, and approaches that are helpful for public speaking. Here I have listed a few things that have helped me develop my public speaking and presentation skills, and I am sure these would be helpful to you as well.
1) Prepare, Prepare, Prepare:
They say, “If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail,” The saying holds a massive volume of meaning and implication. The truth about being a successful speaker is to be a man who is always prepared to speak. The best thing you can do when it comes to public speaking and presenting is to prepare your material and learn it by heart properly.
2) Feedback:
Another critical thing you can do is to get feedback. Feedback is what you build your speaking game upon. Firstly, start by presenting to yourself. You can try to speak in front of a mirror or record yourself. When you listen to yourself, you get a better idea about what you need to improve. After that, perform in front of your friends and family and ask them for their feedback. Others’ feedback will refine your skills even further and leave no room for mistakes.
3) Get Familiar With The Setup:
you might be thinking, what does that even mean? Let me explain. My experience has taught me we are more confident, make fewer mistakes and speak more proficiently in a familiar setting. So before each presentation, I take a tour of the place where I am supposed to speak. I get used to the feeling of the stage, the microphone, and other elements in the setting. Getting used to setup helps you eliminate nervousness and makes you more comfortable with everything.
There are many more things that you could do to improve your presentation skills, but preparing and practicing are the most crucial ones. Never underestimate the importance of preparing and practicing beforehand. Now, prepare, practice, and present and rock that stage!